The supporters of Leni Robredo are flaunting her educational credentials on social media, apparently to take a swipe at BBM, Robredo’s bitter rival since 2016 VP race, whom they looked down for being a college dropout.
In that regard, former Senate President and lawyer par excellence Juan Ponce Enrile took to Facebook today to ask valid questions regarding Leni Robredo’s specialization as a lawyer. As an economist, Enrile asks what Leni consider as the bedrock of the Philippine economy?
Senator Enrile’s FB post seem to be popular among his followers because in just 2 hours, the post has generated 5,900+ reactions, 928 comments and 1,100+ shares and counting.
Here are some of the comments pf netizens.
One netizen welcomed Senator Enrile’s jab at Leni Robredo.
What a good question . Mabuhay po kayo MR JPE , one of the best legal mind in the country. Mabuhay !!!!!
Another grateful netizen thank Senator Enrile for bringing this up.
Thank you for asking these questions. Perhaps her camp can expound so we can be enlightened and maybe see what her followers are seeing.
A third netizen commented that this is Robredo’s chance to shine and show us a brilliance as her supporters claimed Robredo possesses by answering a brilliant question from Senator Enrile.
Degrees are meant to be practiced not wall decorations, commented the fifth one.
A straightforward and honest question from Sen. Enrile – a brilliant lawyer deserving of hearing an answer from the VP camp! Time for Robredo to shine and once again demonstrate a stellar performance her supporters claimed that the VP possesses!
You may now read Juan Ponce Enrile’s original FB post below.
VP Leni Robredo is billed as a lawyer and economist. May we know what kind of law practice did she perform. Was she a trial lawyer? A corporate lawyer? A tax lawyer? A patent or copywrite lawyer? A tech lawyer? As an economist, what does she consider to be the bedrock of our economy?
Source: JP Enrile
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