An open letter addressed to Lingayen Archbishop Socrates Villegas calling him Prince of Darkness that is rotten to the core disguised as a priest has been making the rounds on Facebook.
The open letter was penned by radio host Mark Lopez after ABS-CBN fact-checked the alleged Aika video scandal as fake.
Lopez told Archbishop Soc Villegas not to let this news disturb him because the truth is, he has been living a lie all along. A dirty liar like Archbishop Villegas will try with all his might to be believable, Lopez wrote.
Lopez further advised Archbishop Soc Villegas to stay focused on being a biased Kakampink, to continue peddling lies etc. etc.
Lopez quoted St. Paul who said that we can overcome evil by the power of good. As a character bandit, Lopez said Archbishop is the epitome of evil. He sounded grateful that only the Kakampinks trust him.
Lopez ended the open letter hoping that he will be exposed to the Vatican for what Archbishop Villegas truly is – evil.
You may now read Mark Lopez’s original open letter below.
Dear Socrates B. Villegas,
I am very sorry to learn that ABS CBN, supposedly your ally in the Kakampink camp, has acted and fact checked the AIKA SEX VIDEO SCANDAL as FAKE.
It is incredible that a minister of God like you is a purveyor of this fabrication. Perhaps you are the Prince of Darkness that is really rotten to the core, disguised as a priest.
But let not this disturb you. The truth is that you have been living a lie all along. A dirty liar like you will try hard to be believable.
Stay focused on being a biased Kakampink, and continue to spread, unperturb, the idiocy of your chosen politics.
Saint Paul said we must overcome evil by the power of good. As a character bandit, you are truly the epitome of evil and it’s a good thing that only Kakampinks trust you.
When this election is over, I pray to God Almighty that you are exposed to the Vatican for what you truly are.
Screenshots shared by Mark Lopez.
Source: Mark Lopez
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